Alexandria: 1 2
Canopic Region: 1 2 3 4
Lena Shoal: 1
Napoleon: 1
Royal Captain: 1 2
Santa Cruz: 1

Egypt's Sunken Treasures
Berlin (May - Sept. 06): 1
Paris (Dec. 06 - Mar. 07): 1

Artifacts: 1

Equipment: 1

Team: 1
Member Day 2006: 1

Christoph Gerigk
Jérôme Delafosse
Frédéric Osada
Olivier Pascaud
Fernando Pereira

For publishing requests,
please contact

Katrin Wollgast,
salaction public relations


A frangment of a coiled serpent Agathodaimon missing its head from grey granite, which corresponds to the Egyptian God Shai. The Agathodaimon of Alexandria was guarantor of the prosperity of the metropolis and her inhabitants.

©Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation